Dark Dagger/Grey Dagger (Acronicta tridens/psi) |
The Dark Dagger/Grey Dagger gets its common name from the black dagger-like marks on its wings. Tri- 'three' and dens 'a tooth' mark the three prongs of the Dark Dagger's streaks. In the Grey Dagger, these prongs are described as resembling the Greek letter psi (Ψ). They are very distinct, and in my opinion, make the Dark Dagger and Grey Dagger exceptionally beautiful moths. Moths of the Acronicta genus are night fliers, so akronux 'nightfall' does not accurately describe the habits of the moth, but in conjunction with its ornamental daggers and difficult to distinguish identity, the Dark Dagger/Grey Dagger takes on the air of a twilight assassin.
- Post by Jane Wu